Cuff tear after a ream and run - Muin1 me


Cuff tear after a ream and run

A 50 year old man with a prior history of two cuff repairs desired a ream and run procedure. His preoperative films are shown here.
 Note the B2 glenoid seen on the axillary 'truth' view.

At the time of his ream and run, his repaired cuff appeared structurally intact. His x-rays at 6 weeks are shown below.

Note the use of an anteriorly eccentric humeral head to re-center his humeral head on the glenoid.

Four years after his surgery he had a comfortable shoulder and had returned to a wide range of physical activities with the ability to perform 10 of the 12 Simple Shoulder Test functions. He became interested in weight training. While attempting a dead lift (see this link) he felt something give in his shoulder and noted immediate onset of weakness.
Physical examination revealed supraspinatus and subscapularis weakness, but full active motion. His x-rays showed some superior displacement of his humeral head. 

He desired revision surgery at which time we found an irreparable supraspinatus defect. His reamed glenoid was nicely covered with fibrocartilage.

His anteriorly eccentric humeral head was replaced with a CTA head and the subscapularis was reconstructed with superior advancement.  The immediate postoperative films show centering of the humeral head in both planes.

After surgery had full active assisted motion and no discomfort.

Comment: A cautionary tale showing that a previously repaired cuff can remain vulnerable to sudden loads. That having been said we are optimistic for a good functional return in this strongly motivated man.

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